Friday, October 31, 2008

Ponzi Scheme vs Pyramid Scheme

Ok I guess we have to talk about this stuff once again. Lets take care of a few house keeping things before we get started. #1 I have been on the site since the second day it has started. This blog was started on the 5th day of OneSeason started it's site and is the Original OneSeason Trader. #2 My real  occupation is a licensed broker / financial advisor. Since this is not a registered security I do believe I can leave out all of the regulator disclaimers that I normally need to place on everything. However in no way is any of the information given deemed to be advise on investing and all investors should consult with their own advisor before making any investment choices. 
(This is not a investment vehicle and is not attended to be your new IRA) *dumb ass.....

All of that said I am not proclaiming to be a expert on OneSeason but as far as experts go who really is. I can tell you who's not, the bunch of collage kids that are the ones running there mouths off on the other blogs and making up these rumors every-time the market isn't up. This is what happens when new people start to listen to someone that only worries about buying condoms and beer for the week and then calling home to ask mom to refill his ATM because he forgot to eat. What did you expect???
The latest thing now is what they call a Ponzi Scheme, named after Charles Ponzi.  A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that involves paying abnormally high returns to investors out of money paid in by subsequent new investors, rather than from net 
revenues generated by a real business. Some say it shares similarities with a Pyramid Scheme although the two are different. 
Ok let's break this down for the guys who should be studying for their American history class. 
1) No one is selling or convincing anyone to join the site and be involved with OneSeason. 
2) In no way has OneSeason described it's self as an investment vehicle or any form as a investment. It is purely a entertainment site, For Fun Only.
3) No where does it describe that OS will guarantee any returns on SOI's / IPO's. SOI's prices are not determined by OS but by the value the traders set forth by supply and deman
d, popularity, and athletes performance. 
4) OS only facilitates the activities for us (sports fans) which include the trading platform and the matching of buyers and sellers. We (traders) set the underlying price of any particular player and determine that players ultimate price and or value.
5) OS clearly states how they are compensated in their services on the  FAQ page which every trader should read.
6) This site bears no resemblance to a pyramid scheme by any definition. No one including OS is compensated based on any person joining the site nor is there any fee or membership fee that would be collected for such re-disbursal to a so called up-line. 

As soon as the monkeys on this site stop treating it like their 401k the site will be better off. As far as I am concern this is a fun site. It allows a trader to buy and sell SOI's based on the traders personal views. Whether or not that is determined by a 5 touch down game or a player is busted for drugs. In the end it's all about the the competition to make the right trade.

See you at the Top

 I, PowerBroker am not involved, employed by or paid by OneSeason. My comments are of my own opinions and are just that, opinions. 


MomTrader said...

It sounds good to me. I'm getting sick of the "other" site as well. To many na-sayers

Richard Lynch said...
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