Monday, October 6, 2008

Market takes a dump

If any of you were like me and have several SOI's in your sportfolio you saw red across the board. There was only one SOI that remained in the positive (KGAR). Even recent IPO CROS was down almost 40%. What's the deal? How did we go from IPO's that shot up over 1000% in their opening hours to buying AROD below the IPO price. (last trade, $4.25)  

Opinions are like a** h****, we all have them butt heres mind. I would think that Oneseason will continue to tweak the system. Two areas IMO would be 7 day per week per trading and always releasing 3 IPO's per day. First trading 7 days per week. Although this was the first weekend of trading volume seem to be way down. People are doing to much and many of you that I have talked to told me the same thing. "I don't have time to watch it on the weekend". The second area is releasing 3 IPO's per day. I think this has to be based on the amount of people joining the site. It's simple rule of numbers. If you have more stock then people buying it will drive the price way down. 
 Remember this is all speculation on my part. I do not have the inside lines on anything. I'm just a investor like all of you. However we can all follow simple rules of investing. Buy & Hold. If you are looking to buy a stock (SOI) it may be because you think the player will increase in value or maybe it's just your favorite player. Either way you only realize the loss if you sell the stock below your original investment. If it was worth buying in the first place, hold on to it.  Remember this is for fun. It kind of reminds me of baseball or football cards. Chances are we have some stuff away in a shoe box somewhere waiting for the day we can use them to buy the sports car.........  yea right. 


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