Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sell Off

If your like me and you are a buy and hold investor you checked out early last night and figure it is what it is. Waking up this morning I never would have thought we would see the market this low again. Yes, I said again, this has happen before and it was just as bad if not worse. Everyone screaming "the sky is falling" and "I'm selling everything" it's not the first time some of us have heard it. Guess What? We're still here, and I'm still saying it's a good deal. Here's my recommendation: If you haven't maxed out your 2500 limit, nows the time to do it. There are some great buy IMO, LTEE @ 5.78, FAVR @ 4.47 and BRDY @ 4.65 ARE YOU KIDDING ME! These guys have been the work horse in my portfolio and will continue to produce. 
I will say it again, if you are spending tomorrows lunch money on the next IPO, if 
you have to ask mom & dad for a little extra in your allowance and if you live in a van down by the rive you should not be trading Jock Stocks!!! You guys are the ones helping the sell off. 
So take a deep breath and get ready for a wild ride. 
See you at the top.....


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