Sunday, October 5, 2008

Todays IPO's

Today, Sunday 10/5 will see the release of three more IPO's. 
Kevin Garnett (KGAR), Chris PAul (PAUL), Manny Ramires (MANY)
As I stated in the other post Oneseason will fine tune the way they do things over the next couple of months. One example is IPO release times. The first couple were released at 9:00 a.m. eastern time. Not so good for the west coast. They now are releasing them at 12:00 p.m. They have also increased the amount of shares released. 
If you are wonder weather or not to buy these IPO's in my opinion it's a Bull market, Buy, Buy, Buy. With so many people just hearing about this there is a scramble to get in on any stock that you can. IPO's are the best investment on the market as they are released at only $5.  I'm sure there will be a time when the market starts to settle and realize the true value of the stock but for now it's full steam head. You will see more and more news about OneSeason coming out over the next several months. This is good news to you if your reading about it now. That means you are already in the game and hopefully buying some stock.

We will talk about how IPO's are issued on the next post. 

Happy Trading, 


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