Monday, October 6, 2008

OneSeason steps up and answers the questions!

I never thought that would respond to my question so fast but they did and offered to keep us informed. Here is the actual email and OneSeason response. 

We are thrilled to hear that you have created a blog to help OneSeason users. we still have a LOT of cleaning-up items and features to add but would be happy to answer your questions (in fact we added one!)

1) Late e-mails and real time communications? We are working to improve the messaging (emails) as we are aware that some of them are not being received in a timely manner. We are also creating a company blog to help communicate with users.
2) Top Trader board, Why is it down and will it be back up? We took down the Top trader Board as it was not calculating correctly which was the cause for some of the outrageous numbers displayed. This should be back up shortly.

3)Will there be a Form Manager? Question needed to be clarified. Right now there is not because our users are doing a good job of answering questions for us. But we may decide there is a need for one later.

4) What are some of the things that OneSeason is considering or working on? As mentioned above, we have a lot of clean-up items as well as features to add. Stay tuned :)

5) Will you ever show the true number of user and why / why not?  We have received a lot of requests for this feature and it's something that we are discussing internally. 

6)Why do you have a thirty day hold on funds transferred out of OneSeason?  This is a fraud prevention feature and only applies from the time of your transfer into OneSeason.  My guess on this has to do with money laundering. IMO

Thank you for again for your thoughtful questions. We look forward to providing you with service we can be proud of.
Best Regards, 
The OneSeason Team!

Well kids there you have it. It maybe what you wanted to hear or maybe it isn't. Either way you look at it I feel they are on top of things and willing to do what it takes to make this site a great place to trade.  I hope that when they release new feature that I will be able to get the inside line and help in making everyone have a better understanding of what is going on. 



Jamagan said...

Thanks for all your efforts!
I thought you deserved your first official comment!

PowerBroker said...

Thank you!