Friday, October 31, 2008

Ponzi Scheme vs Pyramid Scheme

Ok I guess we have to talk about this stuff once again. Lets take care of a few house keeping things before we get started. #1 I have been on the site since the second day it has started. This blog was started on the 5th day of OneSeason started it's site and is the Original OneSeason Trader. #2 My real  occupation is a licensed broker / financial advisor. Since this is not a registered security I do believe I can leave out all of the regulator disclaimers that I normally need to place on everything. However in no way is any of the information given deemed to be advise on investing and all investors should consult with their own advisor before making any investment choices. 
(This is not a investment vehicle and is not attended to be your new IRA) *dumb ass.....

All of that said I am not proclaiming to be a expert on OneSeason but as far as experts go who really is. I can tell you who's not, the bunch of collage kids that are the ones running there mouths off on the other blogs and making up these rumors every-time the market isn't up. This is what happens when new people start to listen to someone that only worries about buying condoms and beer for the week and then calling home to ask mom to refill his ATM because he forgot to eat. What did you expect???
The latest thing now is what they call a Ponzi Scheme, named after Charles Ponzi.  A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that involves paying abnormally high returns to investors out of money paid in by subsequent new investors, rather than from net 
revenues generated by a real business. Some say it shares similarities with a Pyramid Scheme although the two are different. 
Ok let's break this down for the guys who should be studying for their American history class. 
1) No one is selling or convincing anyone to join the site and be involved with OneSeason. 
2) In no way has OneSeason described it's self as an investment vehicle or any form as a investment. It is purely a entertainment site, For Fun Only.
3) No where does it describe that OS will guarantee any returns on SOI's / IPO's. SOI's prices are not determined by OS but by the value the traders set forth by supply and deman
d, popularity, and athletes performance. 
4) OS only facilitates the activities for us (sports fans) which include the trading platform and the matching of buyers and sellers. We (traders) set the underlying price of any particular player and determine that players ultimate price and or value.
5) OS clearly states how they are compensated in their services on the  FAQ page which every trader should read.
6) This site bears no resemblance to a pyramid scheme by any definition. No one including OS is compensated based on any person joining the site nor is there any fee or membership fee that would be collected for such re-disbursal to a so called up-line. 

As soon as the monkeys on this site stop treating it like their 401k the site will be better off. As far as I am concern this is a fun site. It allows a trader to buy and sell SOI's based on the traders personal views. Whether or not that is determined by a 5 touch down game or a player is busted for drugs. In the end it's all about the the competition to make the right trade.

See you at the Top

 I, PowerBroker am not involved, employed by or paid by OneSeason. My comments are of my own opinions and are just that, opinions. 

Thursday, October 30, 2008

It's a long road.........

It's a long road to big money. I hope that some of you are starting to understand that this is not going to make you a millionaire overnight, if at all. I see so many traders (newbies for the most part) log onto the site and think that they are going to make it big in a couple of days. Most of them got here by you and your word of mouth. Come on admit it, you told your buddy, "Hey I found this great site and I am making a killing". By the time they picked their screen name they already had it in their minds they would be up by 1000% by noon.

Now I'm not saying we all can't do well here, hell that's why I'm here. Just don't think that because your buddy put $50 bucks into the site and now is sitting on $4,000 that it's the norm. As more and more people join the site you will see less and less volatility. The markets will begin to stabilize and we will be buying and selling based on the athlete's performance and popularity rather then hype. I have already spoke with a company that will be putting out prospectus like info on each athlete. I am working on putting together a JocK average both IPO and SOI version similar to the DOW Jones average. This will help the traders that can't be at the computer all day. They will be able to log on to this site and check what the market is doing based on several key SOI players and IPO players. (Hey guy here's something else you can steal) Sorry inside joke.

Look this never gets old so I'll say it again, This is a great site! If your already here your in position to do well. Just be smart with your trades and don't panic. Buy and hold onto your shares and remember it's a long road ahead.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sell Off

If your like me and you are a buy and hold investor you checked out early last night and figure it is what it is. Waking up this morning I never would have thought we would see the market this low again. Yes, I said again, this has happen before and it was just as bad if not worse. Everyone screaming "the sky is falling" and "I'm selling everything" it's not the first time some of us have heard it. Guess What? We're still here, and I'm still saying it's a good deal. Here's my recommendation: If you haven't maxed out your 2500 limit, nows the time to do it. There are some great buy IMO, LTEE @ 5.78, FAVR @ 4.47 and BRDY @ 4.65 ARE YOU KIDDING ME! These guys have been the work horse in my portfolio and will continue to produce. 
I will say it again, if you are spending tomorrows lunch money on the next IPO, if 
you have to ask mom & dad for a little extra in your allowance and if you live in a van down by the rive you should not be trading Jock Stocks!!! You guys are the ones helping the sell off. 
So take a deep breath and get ready for a wild ride. 
See you at the top.....


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It's been awhile...

First off my apologies. I have not posted anything since 10/9 for two reasons. First we had a death in the family and had to make arrangements. But one of the first reasons was I wanted to do an experiment as one of the traders suggested. " How about we all take a week off, close our eyes, keep our stocks and turn Onesseason back on in a week". Well what I believe he meant was lets take a collective sigh and remember where we are in this thing called OneSeason.  Back then the market was seeing several days on downward movement. "No" wait a minute, was it really downward movement or were we just use to seeing 3 IPO's per day rocketing over $100 in the first two hours. I tend to think it was the latter. Never the less it is now referred to the "Big Correction". I have to laugh, it was only like two weeks ago. 
I have seen so many things happen over the last two weeks. More people are flooding the site faster then ever, new servers to handle the traffic, traders making wigets, and spreadsheets to keep track of the latest numbers and OneSeason tweaking the system to make things better for all of us. I even see other blogs popping up with the same name. (Great site guys but you should have pick a different name...) Folks this is just the beginning. The site is not even 30 days old and it has a market value of 18 million. I remember when we just hit 2 million. We have not even seen the beginning of what this could bring. 
Let's try another experiment, how about you post where you think OneSeason will be in the next two weeks, two months or two years.  Here is what I would like to see.......
September, 4th 2010: OneSeason announces global expansion into Asia, India, and Australia adding to the European nations this will give an estimated market value of 3.5 trillion dollars. A far cry from Oneseasons first month in business when they only had a 26 million dollars of market value. ****Look for OneSeason's new ATM in a sports bar near you where you will find the OneSeason ticker trader. You can now slide your Oneseason debt card and make trades instantly at your local pub. **** Blackberry announces a OneSeason Trader BlackBerry called Trader-One which will be release later this year. Now you can keep track, make trades and be alerted when ever you see a good buy. (valid only with a new purchase and a 16 year agreement, early termination will deducted from your OneSeason account in the amount of $1600.00)  
This all may be fantasy now but I remind you look how far we have come in 27 days.  

Good Luck and IMO, Everything is a Buy!!!!!!


*** All Ideas mention belong to me and anyone that wants to bring them to market must pay me a small fortune and royalty fees. 

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Rare Air

Ok I want to ask this question.  As we dictate how players are traded and evaluated on this site how does one find a value for a retire, but future hall of fame player? Michael Jordan..... In my opinion there could not be a better person to test the waters with. No doubt the best basketball player that ever lived. (IMO) We will see tomorrow what his stock will bring. With 400-800- shares being released I'm sure the demand will be high. I no that my sportfolio would not be complete with out him in it. I, along with many others will hoping that we are awarded AIRJ. 

So who's next? Terry Bradshaw, Bobby Clark, Dr J or let me through this at you. How about someone that is no longer here,  Reggie Lewis or maybe a Pat Tillman???? How does someone like that get valued or do they even make the cut and become a Jock Stock???? 

Something to think about


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

No Worries!

Just to let everyone know we are looking to add a new feature. I am sorry that no new post was posted today but we are looking to add a live jock trader show. We are in the process of testing the system to make sure everything will work. Stay tune......

You can help by sending your request on what you want to hear. I will try and get someone from OneSeason to come on and give us some background on how this all got started. I also will be talking to other who are in the process of creating another applications that we will be able to use with OneSeason.  A lot of good stuff is just around the corner. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

NO IPO FOR YOU! has started to cut back on IPO releases. This is not a bad thing and will help stabilize the market until the site gets flooded with more investors. Oh, it will become flooded. 
I have been reading the message boards and yes there are some people crying "Pyramid Scheme" "The sky is falling" and others that just don't understand how things

First off let me lay down a couple of rules: 
1st) If you live in a van down by the river you shouldn't be spending you money here. Ok Digangi96
2nd) This site is for fun, if you make a couple of bucks so be it. But remember it's not E-Trade. 
3rd) If you wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat because your sportfolio went down 20%  then your in the wrong place. 
4th) If you like trading sport cards, playing Fantasy Football or just like sports in general then you are in the right place. 
5th) If working the numbers and trying to find great buys that could become a profit, your in the right place. 
6th) If you have any common scenes and understand that every business has the "try" and turn a profit then you'll understand why OneSeason does what it needs to do. 

If you can remember some of these simple rules you'll be fine. If on the other hand you missed your Doctors appointment because you knew he was going to up your Prozack you may want to turn our computer off. 

Monday, October 6, 2008

OneSeason steps up and answers the questions!

I never thought that would respond to my question so fast but they did and offered to keep us informed. Here is the actual email and OneSeason response. 

We are thrilled to hear that you have created a blog to help OneSeason users. we still have a LOT of cleaning-up items and features to add but would be happy to answer your questions (in fact we added one!)

1) Late e-mails and real time communications? We are working to improve the messaging (emails) as we are aware that some of them are not being received in a timely manner. We are also creating a company blog to help communicate with users.
2) Top Trader board, Why is it down and will it be back up? We took down the Top trader Board as it was not calculating correctly which was the cause for some of the outrageous numbers displayed. This should be back up shortly.

3)Will there be a Form Manager? Question needed to be clarified. Right now there is not because our users are doing a good job of answering questions for us. But we may decide there is a need for one later.

4) What are some of the things that OneSeason is considering or working on? As mentioned above, we have a lot of clean-up items as well as features to add. Stay tuned :)

5) Will you ever show the true number of user and why / why not?  We have received a lot of requests for this feature and it's something that we are discussing internally. 

6)Why do you have a thirty day hold on funds transferred out of OneSeason?  This is a fraud prevention feature and only applies from the time of your transfer into OneSeason.  My guess on this has to do with money laundering. IMO

Thank you for again for your thoughtful questions. We look forward to providing you with service we can be proud of.
Best Regards, 
The OneSeason Team!

Well kids there you have it. It maybe what you wanted to hear or maybe it isn't. Either way you look at it I feel they are on top of things and willing to do what it takes to make this site a great place to trade.  I hope that when they release new feature that I will be able to get the inside line and help in making everyone have a better understanding of what is going on. 


New IPO's and maybe some changes???

Todays IPO's include, Brandon Marshall (BMAR), Alexander Ovechkin  (ALOV)  & Reggie Bush (BUSH) All are schedule to be release today at 12:00 p.m. eastern. What is interesting is the next set of IPO's have a date of 10/8 for their release. This may mean the people at OneSeason are changing the amount of IPO's released during the week. I think this will help in controlling the amount of stock in proportion to the amount of investors. 

I am hearing some express frustration about getting IPO's. Here are the rules: 
IPO Process is determined by a formula consisting of: time priority (first come first served), amount of live time spent on the site and number of trades made. Another question I have been asked is how long after a IPO is announced does it last. Days? Hours? Minutes? My best guess is the traders on this site are sitting and waiting for the IPO requested and are probably gone within minutes. That being said I have receive 3 different IPO's and judging from comparing time stamps I was a late to the party by more then 10 minutes and still received some of my requested shares. Not all but some. So if you are still looking to get a hold of some IPO's be patient and be persistent. It will eventually pay off.


Market takes a dump

If any of you were like me and have several SOI's in your sportfolio you saw red across the board. There was only one SOI that remained in the positive (KGAR). Even recent IPO CROS was down almost 40%. What's the deal? How did we go from IPO's that shot up over 1000% in their opening hours to buying AROD below the IPO price. (last trade, $4.25)  

Opinions are like a** h****, we all have them butt heres mind. I would think that Oneseason will continue to tweak the system. Two areas IMO would be 7 day per week per trading and always releasing 3 IPO's per day. First trading 7 days per week. Although this was the first weekend of trading volume seem to be way down. People are doing to much and many of you that I have talked to told me the same thing. "I don't have time to watch it on the weekend". The second area is releasing 3 IPO's per day. I think this has to be based on the amount of people joining the site. It's simple rule of numbers. If you have more stock then people buying it will drive the price way down. 
 Remember this is all speculation on my part. I do not have the inside lines on anything. I'm just a investor like all of you. However we can all follow simple rules of investing. Buy & Hold. If you are looking to buy a stock (SOI) it may be because you think the player will increase in value or maybe it's just your favorite player. Either way you only realize the loss if you sell the stock below your original investment. If it was worth buying in the first place, hold on to it.  Remember this is for fun. It kind of reminds me of baseball or football cards. Chances are we have some stuff away in a shoe box somewhere waiting for the day we can use them to buy the sports car.........  yea right. 


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Todays IPO's

Today, Sunday 10/5 will see the release of three more IPO's. 
Kevin Garnett (KGAR), Chris PAul (PAUL), Manny Ramires (MANY)
As I stated in the other post Oneseason will fine tune the way they do things over the next couple of months. One example is IPO release times. The first couple were released at 9:00 a.m. eastern time. Not so good for the west coast. They now are releasing them at 12:00 p.m. They have also increased the amount of shares released. 
If you are wonder weather or not to buy these IPO's in my opinion it's a Bull market, Buy, Buy, Buy. With so many people just hearing about this there is a scramble to get in on any stock that you can. IPO's are the best investment on the market as they are released at only $5.  I'm sure there will be a time when the market starts to settle and realize the true value of the stock but for now it's full steam head. You will see more and more news about OneSeason coming out over the next several months. This is good news to you if your reading about it now. That means you are already in the game and hopefully buying some stock.

We will talk about how IPO's are issued on the next post. 

Happy Trading, 


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Is This For Real just finished its first week in business. If any of you are like me you have been glued to the computer screen.  We are all waiting to see if we were lucky enough to get some of those IPO's that get issued each day. ( 3 Initial Player Offerings are issued each day for $5) 

This kind of reminds me of the good old days when everyone was buying .com stock and watching it go up, up and up. Today is the first day in my three day experience that I have seen any player in red going across the ticker. I believe this is due to being a weekend. This is the first weekend day and I would bet that OneSeason will fine tune several things in the upcoming weeks to make trading even better. 

We will try to update this blog everyday  (in the beginning) to help people become more familiar with how this site works and to help you make some great trades. 

If anyone wants to see a particular topic or has a question that you think everyone will benefit from let us here it.  

If you new to the site here is a great article from  Click Here

by;  PowerBroker