Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Newbie's Perspective

I hope everyone is doing well on this big day, and hopefully everyone has been out to vote. If you don't vote...no bit@$ing about the guy who gets elected!
Being new to OS (less than 2 weeks), I wanted to share a newbie's perspective. The first day, I was hooked. I signed up on a Saturday, and Sunday I spent all day watching football and getting familiar with OS. Going into it, I set a $200 limit. OS was peaking, so $200 was gone in a wink. A few hundred dollars later, ODEN was released and I was lucky enough to get some shares...now it was really fun! It didn't matter that we couldn't afford dinner that night. JK...I'm not a college kid living in a van down by the river, as PowerBroker likes to say. But seriously, set a limit, set a back up limit, and just have fun. It's hard to put any rhyme or reason behind it at this point. I never believed in get rich quick schemes, nor do I believe this is one. I do believe that this great concept has come to reality, and my guy tells me I should feel lucky to be a part of it at its infant stage.
So happy voting, and happy buying!


1 comment:

PowerBroker said...

Very well said and some great advice!