Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Not even a Bailout came help us now.

I stepped away for a few days to see what I would come back to. Nothing! In my mind I had the next two stories all thought out. 1st one was titled OneSeason needs a Bailout. I mean what the heck every other failing company has there hand out, why not OS. My second story was going to be the The death of OS, The beginning to the end..... If any of you have followed my blog, (by the way the 1st and original OneSeason Trader) You will know that I had direct communications with OS via interviews, I pretty much called most of the changes before they happen. (not to toot my own horn) I have always tried to paint a happy face on the current situation weather it was good news or bad. A few post ago I stated that when the reverse splits started to happen that would be the beginning to the end. Unfortunately & sadly I believe I was right again. I asked, challenged and yes almost begged OS to do something to keep it alive. IMO that jump start needed to come from mass advertising. Not this mickey mouse stuff on sites that know one has ever heard of. It needed ESPN attention. If that meant sinking your last penny into it or refinancing your house then so be it. You have completely wasted this great concept called OS because you failed to plan properly. Number one, you rushed this to market to quickly and did not spend enough time in trial.(IMO) Then to help that cause you tried recruiting a few friends to help the launch on the premise that they will be the first people to buy IPO's and will make a killing. Well they did. They made a killing and took there money and ran. (for the most part). That was your first hurdle. After all of us spent a numerous amount of time convincing people that it was not over on various blogs and message boards. You on the other hand were spending time fixing all the bugs that came from the sudden explosion of new people looking for the quick fix. Somewhere in all this you forgot to tell the rest of the world about your great product. This wasn't Mike's plumbing company where you could possibly get by with word of mouth. (for awhile anyway) This was a sophisticated machine. A device that took peoples money and issued IPO's and SOI's for the fun and sport of trading players. A machine that needed a influx of new people and new money to make this work. The machine needed to be feed pure and simple. Without advertising the machine has died. Yes I said it, "DIED"! What you see now trading is residual leftovers of a once great idea.
In just over two months you have all witness a idea become reality and then sadly become a joke. What a sad story from a person and company that had so much promise.
I hope that for once I am wrong. I wish nothing but the best for OS and it players. I feel somewhat responsible for many of the new people that joined in the last month or so but I truly felt that OS had a chance. Once again I was wrong and I am sorry for that. For the record I have withdrew all cash and have started to sell my remaining portfolio. I may keep a few shares just to stop back and see an old friend until the days are no more.

Good Luck

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obama did it for us! There is a bailout for the people. Obama has started a new grant program. Everyone qualifies. I got $750,000.00USD in grants for my bailout.

Claim Your Bailout